Saturday, May 20, 2006

Weekend of rain (Spring changes everything)

Its Mid may and luckily, the forecast is rain for the next 3 days. Though this is not abnormal for this time, definitely it is not normal :) Its the El-nino season and rain is in the forecast a month and half after spring. The few days before the rain was very very hot, about 80F. It rained yesterday evening, we did not make movie plans, Da Vinci Code is being release with a bit of controversy outside the US, but things here look pretty normal movie opening. The day before we had the annual bike to work day. Only a few people showed up, but it was a nice ride at noon. Today morning, I had my first lessons on driving stick shift car. Though I got most part of the driving, I still get very nervous when there is traffic, especially at the stop signs where there are cars or all the other three directions. I still have trouble shifting to first gear after coming to a stop. Hmm, need to practise more.

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