Sunday, April 10, 2005

Enjoy muscle pain

Its been a month since my last big hike, a friend of mine calls up saturday evening for a hike at Mission Peak, the next day. Since I had not planned anything for the morning, I agreed. Come morning we started late, pretty late 9am and reached the trail at 10 waiting for the rest to arrive. I met up with a friend of a friend and we were taking about a previous meeting where I could not attend, the reason I had cold. Part of the reason for the cold was my wait early morning to get PSP. Yep, now I am a proud owner of PSP. He was excited to check out the PSP that he put all his stuff in the trunk of his beamer and closed it. It took just few seconds for him to realize that he was locked out. To top it, my AAA membership had expired and another had just become a member but AAA could not figure out if he was. He stayed back to find a way to unlock while the rest headed up the trail. Since the rest were enjoying the beautiful weather, I decided to hike up quick. It took me less than an hour to get to the stop and about twenty five minutes to run down. This is the first time I hiked in my running shoes and I felt better. I ran a few sections while going up and jogged all the way down. I still have some ankle pain from long and I did feel a bit, but that did not bother me from running or going up faster. At the end of the hike, the friend was still figuring out how to get in, while I saw the cops writing parking tickets!!

I landed at another friend's place for lunch, oh .. they had made a nice lunch. The kid asked me where my family is ?? Come evening, my muscles were experiencing the effects of the rigorous hike. This pain is something which I always enjoy. Every move that you make pains. A raise of hands, a walk downstairs to get food, switch of legs while sitting crossed, all of it. But once you move and leave the muscle in its position, the muscle relaxes, you feel like heaven.

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